During this pandemic our school’s international activities haven’t frozen entirely. Vocational training mobilities where interrupted and students returned to Czech Republic. Strategic partnership project mobilities where postponed. Almost all running Erasmus+ projects have been extended for some period of time to implement its activities in a quality matters. However, partners are in constant communication via emails and online meetings in arranging details of development of innovation, preparing for the following period. Czech National Agency is supporting our activities along the way. Our international team is working on finding the best solutions to continue planned activities in the best way considering the situation. There is no doubt that we will have a challenging time ahead, but there is always a way.
The school have already received positive results for new Erasmus+ projects: for VET training mobilities (KA116) and Staff training (KA102). It has been of hard work of our colleagues in charge of these applications who supports personal and professional development of our students and staff.
This year have been tremendous number of applicants in comparison to previous years. Record interest in Erasmus+ in Czech Republic. In the school education sector, the number of applications for strategic partnership projects increased three times compared to last year, and there was also higher interest in school partnership projects (45% increase). In vocational education and training, there was a 30% increase in applications for staff mobility and there was also higher interest in long-term student mobility, the so-called ErasmusPRO. Competition is high. Follow article from National Agency in Czech.
We believe in our school community’s solidarity and cooperation to follow our plans. All in all, challenging times accelerates creativity, flexibility and innovation.