Comenius – Crayfish as a bio indicator of the environmental conditions
In school year 2008/09 our school successfully finished three-year project within Comenius programme, School Partnerships. Our partners in project called „Crayfish as a bio indicator of the environmental conditions“ were the schools of three European schools, Italy, Finland and Hungary. Our school was the coordinator of the project.
During the preparatory part of work we intend to establish some useful contacts with institutions dealing with the environment protection. With the help of these institutions relevant information and materials like maps, bibliographic publications or professional journals will be gathered and collected.
Thanks this cooperation some interesting locations for crayfish monitoring will be tipped out.
Having finished the preparatory part, work in terrain will follow and will be carried out from April through October during three consecutive years. It will involve a detailed description of each location, looking up crayfish and its description in defined parameters. Findings will be put down in a printed form for incidental consecutive use by the institutions mentioned above. According to capabilities of each school, samples of water will be taken and analyzed at school laboratory for purpose to determine acidity, hardness, heavy metals and chemical oxygen demand. To follow this a cooperation with a specialized worksite may be used. Results of analyses will be compared with information about the regional air and water pollution (collected at regional authorities). Maps showing the extent of the pollution will be asked as well. Afterwards the relation between the environmental conditions and crayfish occurrence will be evaluated.
In the theoretical part of the work students are supposed to deal with crayfish itself (its evolution, diseases, the occurrence frequency of both original and invasive species etc.) They will also follow the relationship between man and crayfish in the course of time. Other ways of bio indication will be discussed as well.