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Střední průmyslová škola chemická Pardubice

Archiv autora: Justina Pluktaite

The boost in bringing innovation in trainings and in the education

The boost in bringing innovation in trainings and in the education

SPSCH Pardubice this academic year was enriched with a start of a few new Erasmus+ Strategic partnership projects. All of them are focused on empowering academic staff with innovative teaching methods and tools which increases the quality of education. We are inviting you to explore new projects and if interested – follow the progress or even take part in it.

FightARs – teasers for firefighters training in immersive rescue environments

Innovation in fire fighters training was not implemented in Europe so widely because of many barriers. However, our day-to-day heroes who are saving our lives are always in need to improve their skills and immersive technology can support that. Within this project partners will use AR (Augmented Reality) glasses (Hololens 2) and 360° videos to enhance firefighters training process to become more engaging and possible where there are limitations. Partners have identified that there is a high need to choose scenarios with hazardous substances and electrical/hybrid cars. These topics are taught in theory, simulation, but usually it is best to have an actual experience. High risks, high costs for needed equipment in training – it reduces to have a more realistic training. Immersive technology is one of the best tools to be closer to minimise those barriers, increase learner’s motivation and in some cases actually make such training possible.

Our trainers with collaboration with the Fire Brigade in Pardubice will take part in learning about the immersive technology, how to create scenarios for such technology and see in practice how beneficial it can be. We will have scenarios-teasers and it’s a start to establish an Excellence Center for immersive firefighters training.

For more information, please follow here

TeachMergency – Preparation for emergency situations: teaching rescue, surviving and first aid

TeachMergency aims to equip teachers/trainers with innovative tools in teaching rescue, survivor and first aid. Our trainers will share best practices, learn new ways and put everything in the Teacher’s guide. All trained staff will pass the knowledge to their students and we will organise international competition – workshop to see the results.

During the project we will also develop several educational videos for the community on basics how to survive, rescue from the water, in the mountains, and provide first aid in emergency. We will invite everyone to become more confident in these skills and react in emergency situations.

For more information, please follow here

STEMclubs – Clean, green future through STEM-sports clubs

To create a sustainable system for STEM clubs that young learners would be continuously motivated, inspired in a long term could be a challenge. We take concepts from sport clubs which have a long history of developed systems on how to engage young people in activities even after they leave the club. Therefore, educators from different organisations will share their best practices, there will be created new STEM clubs with elements from sport clubs. All the knowledge will be transferred into the online platform where all educators, STEM enthusiasts will be welcomed to learn, to exchange, to get inspiration on how to create, maintain a successful STEM club. 

SPSCH Pardubice has plans to create new clubs. Several chemistry, biology, and physical education teachers will be trained and engaged in exchanging the experience and take part in creating educational material and best practice online platform. 

For more information, please follow here

DIOS – Didactic innovation labs – digitalisation experts in VET

The increased use of digital media in education and especially in VET education accelerates the integration of technologies such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), 360° videos, IoT (Internet of Things) and 3D printing. Within the project there will be an exploration and experimentation of these digital tools in training. 

SPSCH Pardubice chemistry and physics teachers will be actively taking part in learning about the technologies, how to prepare a training material for / with AR glasses (Hololens 2) and 360° videos.

For more information, please follow here

CLIL in Education

CLIL aims to develop an integrated educational approach that puts together various subjects and language that engages students in learning by doing, and solving problems, which comprises acting, observing and reflecting on the data collected, while exposing them to the target language. Within the project we will invite our teachers to test project-based learning tools, CLIL methods, multidisciplinary and to exchange the good practices

In the end there will be created useful material for teachers: examples of tested lessons, a tutorial how to develop it, recommendations on digital tools, etc. Trained teachers will also prepare students for international competition that will present the results of student developed multidisciplinary lessons. We are looking forward to seeing their achievements.

For more information, please follow here

Online Schooling

Teaching online requires specialized skill sets including the understanding of how to conduct classes in a virtual environment, knowing when and how to use video conferencing, share content, respond to students’ submissions. One of the key challenges in online teaching is how to assess students remotely, to prevent them from cheating, using other materials, or accessing the web on other devices during the test. Therefore, our project intends to focus on introducing effective pedagogical strategies for online teaching rather than the technology itself.

The general objective of our project is to motivate and help teachers to use online teaching to become a normal part of the educational process in our schools. The more specific objective is to suggest and recommend for implementation a model of assessing students remotely. By using this approach, students might gain enhanced learning outcomes.

For more information, please follow here

If you are interested to know more about the projects or establish collaboration in any of the mentioned areas, you can reach Justina Pluktaite – Officer for foreign relations  – via email: pluktaite@spsch.cz 

Erasmus Logo

Připojte se k video soutěži v rámci Evropského týdne odborných dovedností!

Popis soutěže

Střední průmyslová škola chemická Pardubice vyhlašuje soutěž na podporu odborného vzdělávání v rámci Evropského týdne odborných dovedností 9 – 13. 11. 2020. Úkolem soutěžících bude příprava krátkého videa na vybrané téma. Mezi hlavní témata patří: chemie, bezpečnost, hasičství, kadeřnictví/styling. Podtémata jsou: Zelená dohoda pro EvropuEvropa připravená na digitální věk. Tři nejlepší videa z každého hlavního tématu vyhrají hodnotné ceny.

Více o Evropském týdnu odborných dovedností se dozvíte zde:

Kdo se může soutěže zúčastnit?

Jakýkoliv žák základní školy

Kritéria hodnocení: 

  • kreativita
  • originalita
  • náročnost na provedení
  • zpracování
  • souvislost s tématem
  • Počet hlasů/lajků na fb

Videa zasílejte do 17.12.2020

Ohlášení výsledků 23.12.2020


  • Speciální balíček SPŠCH
  • Balíček Erasmus+
  • Interaktivní exkurze po škole s praktickou ochutnávkou vybraného oboru (jakmile bude možné)

Podrobná pravidla soutěže

Zúčastni se soutěže o nejlepší video a vyhraj skvělé ceny!


Jakýkoliv žák základní školy. Hurá do toho!


Je to jednoduché…


  1. Vytvoř video s maximální délkou 60s a velikostí do 10MB.
  2. Připrav popis Tvého projektu na zhruba 150 slov a odpověz tak na otázky: 
  • Co jsi připravil? 
  • Proč tě téma zaujalo?
  • Jak dlouho Ti to zabralo?
  1. Vyplň přihlášku a odešli soutěžní video a text do 17.12.2020 zde
  2. Hlasuj – laikuj pro nejlepší videa na fb soutěže SPŠCH Pardubice.

Neboj se požádat o pomoc se zpracováním své rodiče, sourozence a vlastně kohokoliv – spolupráce povolena 🙂

Soutěžící může připravit pouze jedno soutěžní video!


Vyber téma:

  • Chemie, TIP: Předveď hezký domácí experiment.
  • Bezpečnost, TIP: Připrav fiktivní místo činu a zajisti stopy – vyřeš detektivní hádanku.
  • Hasiči, TIP: Vytvoř překážkovou dráhu a pokoř ji!  
  • Kadeřníci, TIP: Udělej originální účes/styling. 

Inspirace: odkazy na naše jednotlivá promovidea …






  • Vytvoř originální video.
  • Ve fantazii se meze nekladou.
  • Pomoc rodičů, sourozenců, kamarádů a dalších povolena!
  • Důležité – vyhni se nebezpečným kouskům a užij ochranné pomůcky a prostředky!
  • Zvaž poskytnutí GDPR – pokud nechceš, nemusí být Tvůj obličej na videu natočen!


  • Video formáty: mov, mp4, mkv, mts, wmv, avi
  • Audio: Pokud ve svém videu použiješ hudbu, ujisti se, že je volně dostupná a že tím neporušíš autorská práva.

Kontakt: navesnik@spsch.cz 

Tato iniciativa je organizována ve spojení s Evropským týdnem odborných dovedností 2020.


International activities are moving forward during this crisis


During this pandemic our school’s international activities haven’t frozen entirely. Vocational training mobilities where interrupted and students returned to Czech Republic. Strategic partnership project mobilities where postponed. Almost all running Erasmus+ projects have been extended for some period of time to implement its activities in a quality matters. However, partners are in constant communication via emails and online meetings in arranging details of development of innovation, preparing for the following period. Czech National Agency is supporting our activities along the way. Our international team is working on finding the best solutions to continue planned activities in the best way considering the situation. There is no doubt that we will have a challenging time ahead, but there is always a way.

PECVET Erasmus+

The school have already received positive results for new Erasmus+ projects: for VET training mobilities (KA116) and Staff training (KA102). It has been of hard work of our colleagues in charge of these applications who supports personal and professional development of our students and staff.

This year have been tremendous number of applicants in comparison to previous years. Record interest in Erasmus+ in Czech Republic. In the school education sector, the number of applications for strategic partnership projects increased three times compared to last year, and there was also higher interest in school partnership projects (45% increase). In vocational education and training, there was a 30% increase in applications for staff mobility and there was also higher interest in long-term student mobility, the so-called ErasmusPRO. Competition is high. Follow article from National Agency in Czech.

We believe in our school community’s solidarity and cooperation to follow our plans. All in all, challenging times accelerates creativity, flexibility and innovation.

40 000 litres of Anti-COVID and more to go

SPSCH Pardubice have been working in producing Anti-COVID disinfectant for more than a month now. It was sold already more than 40 000 litres of prepared Anti-COVID. First priority at the beginning was first responders (medical personnel, fire fighters, police) and fulfil their demand. Only after that we managed the rest: small, medium and large organisations and individuals around Pardubice region. There is constant interest and demand for disinfectant. The school has prepared system for registration of everyone’s interest. Every day there are hundreds of calls which are managed by school teachers and administration staff members. We have hundreds in our list that have been already received Anti-COVID and more in process of receiving it. To handle all this work there are number of staff members involved in it and we had to change some of the regular school facilities.

  Anti-COVID coronavirus koronavirus 

Production from school chemistry laboratories when it was done in small scale was transferred into bigger facility to prepare big scale production line. The school’s gym for self-defence class is now turned into a storage and preparation room for Anti-COVID. All needed conditions and requirements are done to prepare safe work space.

Anti-COVID coronavirus koronavirus Anti-COVID coronavirus koronavirus Anti-COVID coronavirus koronavirus

The production of Anti-COVID is done regularly when basic ingredients according to World Health Organisation (WHO) recipe – alcohol (ethanol) as the main component, as well as hydrogen peroxide and glycerol – are received from suppliers. We have received great support from main partners – Preol, Synthesia and Ethanol Energy. You can read more about our first received donation from Ethanol Energy in previous article. Overall, we have continued support from Pardubice Region Municipality office.

Anti-COVID coronavirus koronavirus

Anti-COVID coronavirus koronavirus  

Production process is done and monitored by our chemistry teachers, laboratory assistants, other workers and also even one of school alumni (chemistry programme). This work is done in shifts so to divide the workload and to have consistent work on Anti-COVID production and distribution. Teachers still need to teach students online, prepare learning material, etc. Administrative staff also need to manage other daily running activities for school. However, all of the staff are fully motivated and eager to support Pardubice region with needed Anti-COVID disinfectant.

Anti-COVID coronavirus koronavirus

Start of transportation of the third million liter of raw materials for Anti-COVID (WHO) disinfection

In the end of March, the company Ethanol Energy a. s. delivered already 2 million liters of denatured alcohol for the needs of the Czech Republic for the production of Anti-COVID disinfection. At the same time, it has already delivered almost 100,000 liters of final Anti-COVID disinfection. In addition to the supply of Anti-COVID for the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, we are also trying to gradually satisfy the requirements of regions, cities and municipalities. Today, with the participation of the mayor of Olomouc Miroslav Žbánek, we also handed over 1,000 liters of disinfection for the needs of this region. The mayor also thanked the staff of the Customs Administration for their dedication, who are present on the distillery premises in accordance with the law for the production of alcohol and its denaturation. „This delivery of the Anti-COVID disinfectant mixture will be taken over by our firefighters immediately upon arrival, who will immediately ensure preparation smaller packages and quick distribution,“ said Mayor Žbánek during the takeover. Another expedition of 1,000 liters will be ready for the needs of Olomouc for the next day.

The delivery for Pardubice Region did not come to Vrdy to the day when governer Martin Netolický and the director of the Upper Secondary School of Chemistry in Pardubice, Jan Ptáček, was at Ethanol Energy which was handing over part of the donation to support the crisis announced a few days before. SPŠCH Pardubice, as one of the authorized manufacturers of Anti-COVID disinfection, took over 4,000 liters of denatured alcohol and immediately, according to the assurance of the director, processes it into the final substance. „We appreciate this gift, which will help ensure disinfection for our region. We have already prepared the distribution channel which is set up in school premises. Therefore, we will quickly arrange deliveries of disinfection where it is needed. I am glad that the school took on this task quickly and effectively at a time when teaching was not taking place“ said governor Martin Netolický about the next steps in ensuring disinfection in the Pardubice region.

„We continue to count on deliveries of denatured alcohol from Ethanol Energy a. s. Today, we were offered other necessary components which are needed according to the WHO recipe. Company will continue to provide us with the supply that is needed of the Pardubice Region for Anti-COVID disinfectants, „said Jan Ptáček – school principal, after receiving the gift.

„In response to the high social demand and based on the request of the state administration, we quickly reoriented all our forces and capacities to ensure the necessary disinfection. We are now working on full capacity. We have sold 2 million liters of denatured alcohol for disinfection this morning and we are starting the third million. That is why we are convinced that very soon there will be enough disinfection in the Czech Republic and no one will have to be afraid of repeating the situation“ emphasized Martin Kubů, CEO of Ethanol Energy.

The National Council of Persons with Disabilities and especially its representative for the Pardubice Region, Lenka Skokanová, is very thankful for today’s both donations which will ensure sufficient disinfection for the needs of social services. „In times of crisis, socially disadvantaged or with disabilities fellow citizens are often forgotten and they need our help more than ever because they cannot get it themselves. I am convinced that the need for regular anti-viral disinfection will certainly be needed in our sector for several more months“ said Lenka Skokanová during the visit.

Part of today’s handover of disinfection or raw materials for production was an open tour of the plant. There was an opportunity to look inside the company, into production facilities or into quality control laboratories. „In our plant from Czech corn we produce up to 200,000 liters of raw materials for disinfectants per day. There should not be any shortage in the Czech market. Extremely high demand from abroad signals that the enormous consumption of disinfection is not only in our country, but across Europe. We are happy to provide at least this much-needed substance ourselves today, regardless of imports, “ said Radovan Smítka, Sales Director of Ethanol Energy.

Česká verze


SPŠCH Pardubice started producing a disinfectant solution at the time of the coronavirus infection

In connection with the infection with a new type of coronavirus, the need for disinfectants is also growing dramatically in the Pardubice region. Due to the fact that the Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice owns the certification for the preparation of the disinfectant solution, it agreed together with the governor’s office on its production. The school also distribute it to key places. The Faculty of Chemical Technology of the University of Pardubice also participated in the same process. „If we have enough raw materials, we could produce up to two thousand liters of disinfectant solution per day. We will try to serve the Integrated Rescue System, the Regional Hygiene Station and the social area, but the Railway Infrastructure Administration has also spoken out. We are also counting on assistance with municipal authorities,” says school director Jan Ptáček.

Anti Covid disinfection, Covid 19

According to the World Health Organization, a disinfectant of this type contains alcohol (ethanol) as the main component, as well as hydrogen peroxide and glycerol. „The ratio of the individual components is based on the recipe: the alcohol is over eight liters, glycerol around 140 ml and peroxide, which we dilute from 30% to 3%, approximately half a liter. Alcohol is a disinfectant in itself, hydrogen peroxide has oxidizing properties and glycerol provides a layer on the hands so that the substances do not evaporate so quickly and the skin remains elastic. These solutions dry out, so it is a good idea to lubricate your hands several times a day to avoid drying it out,” explains the school principal.

At the moment production has started in a small scale. School laboratory technicians fill up bottles with a capacity of 250 to 300 ml. In the case of ten-liter canisters the school is able to handle such capacity even with the use of a laboratory and a vacated classroom on the ground floor. The price of the product depends on the price of the raw materials. „If we get alcohol for 70 CZK, a liter of disinfection will cost about 100 CZK. If we get alcohol cheaper, disinfection will also be cheaper, “guarantees Jan Ptáček.

Anti covid disinfection, COVID 19

The school reacted in the same way as the factory of the French brand Louis Vuitton LVMH. Its production lines, which have so far produced perfumes and make-up for luxury brands such as Christián Dior and Givenchy, have also started producing hand disinfectants during the coronavirus epidemic.

Erasmus+ project mobility call

Pozor!!! – Attention to all students!

We are looking for students for 3 different Erasmus+ projects:

If you are interested in any, please send your motivation letter (in English) to pluktaite@spsch.cz until 01.10.2018.

If you have any questions – please contact Justina Pluktaite (pluktaite@spsch.cz) or visit K265.

Don’t miss your chance to be active, learn new things, meet new people and improve your English.

#Erasmus+ : Shaping Futures!

Erasmus EurInveT     Erasmus Four Seasons in The Sky    

Erasnus You can too - Smog

PRAXIS network

PRAXIS networkPraxis Network

Naše škola by chtěla s hrdostí oznámit, že se připojila k síti PRAXIS Network, která spojuje oblasti vzdělávání a práce. Tato mezinárodní síť otevírá příležitosti pro zahraniční studenty, kteří mohou na naší škole vykonávat stáž. Pro školu je to pak jednou z dalších příležitostí k rozšíření mezinárodní spolupráce s odbornými školami, univerzitami, společnostmi a dalšími organizacemi zaměřenými na odborné vzdělávání v rámci Evropy i mimo ni.

Další informace nabízí

PRAXIS Network

PRAXIS NetworkPraxis Network

Our school would like to proudly present that it joined PRAXIS Network – it is at the crossroad between the worlds of Education and Work. This International network opens opportunity to invite international students to do their internship at our school and to expand international partnership with other vocational schools, universities, companies and other organisations that are focused on technical education within and beyond Europe.

Find more information here: http://www.praxisnetwork.eu/