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Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice

FIGHTARs – Erasmus+ KA202

Erasmus+ KA202: FIGHTARs – Teasers for training firefighters within immersive environments (FightARs)

Duration: 01.11.2020-30.04.2023

FightARs Erasmus+ project

Erasmus Logo

Project number: 2020-1-CZ01-KA202-078371

 Website: http://fight-ar.com/


Project summary

Firefighters are the role-model of modern heroes: a brave life safer in emergency situations. This positive image is tested each day and sometimes to the limit. Firefighters are all-rounders, rescuers, of persons and goods, and team-players. A wrong or slow response can set human lives at risk. To respond and react to emergencies accordingly, in a timely and a professional manner, firefighters need to be up to date. This helps them to catch up with the increased methodological, strategic and technical demands of modern firefighting.

Technological developments allow firefighters to immerse in more realistic training environments, by using visual aids, such as Augmented Reality or Smart glasses. This provides guidance and training for developing reasonable response strategies for several emergency situations.

Neither the technological nor the pedagogical benefits of immersive technologies have been tested so far, for firefighters training in the EU. The application in a training environment creates an immersive work or rescue environment. It responds to tendencies for a modern training, in the context of a professional training 4.0 / VET 4.0.

FIGHTARs, as a transnational project, aims to prioritise specific skills/competences for an immersive rescue environment in firefighters training, by providing guidance concerning pedagogical suitable options (didactic value added) as well as by developing, testing, evaluating and transferring several digital enriched training scenarios (“training toolkit”). This helps to create scenario-specific and personal training for firefighters in the piloting EU countries in CZ, LT, SK, EE, DE and CY. The applied methodology, to manager FIGHTARs, includes relevant measures of planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing activities.

Further objectives are:

  • to support practical learning with new technologies, taught in self-learning and during cooperative sessions (70:20:10 rule)
  • facilitate schools for training materials for equipment, which is too expensive or dangerous in real life
  • to promote professional, social and media skills among firefighters
  • to attract young persons to the firefighter’s profession
  • to spark interest for a sustainable exploitation and dissemination of FIGHTARs, also after the project

The project will develop, test, evaluate and transfer didactic guidelines for using immersive/digital technologies in firefighters training (IO1) as well as tailor-made learning scenarios (IO2), for using e-learning modules combined with AR and 360° video. To institutionalise it excellence centres for immersive firefighters training (IO3) will be established to cater the local and regional, specific training demands.

The European Added Value to the project is sizeable, and crucial for the success of the project. In particular, the similarity of challenges that specialised firefighters training centres face across Europe, means that a European initiative like FIGHTARs, provides modern and excellent training settings to support efficiency of rescue missions, to save especially human lives. As one result, such a training portfolio will be highly interesting and responsive to firefighter trainers all over the EU.


Project meeting – Kick off in Czech Republic

14-15.10.2021, Pardubice – SPSCH Pardubice

All partners had an intensive discussions and hands-on opportunity to review AR technology. We reviewed technical possibilities and brainstormed potential scenario for the final output of the project – an app for the Firefighters trainers how to work during accidents related to electrical car. 

Project meeting – progress review and technical capabilities in Cyprus

13-14.12.2021, Limassol – S.C.P SERV LIMITED

This following meeting was very important part as to define more specifically online tools that we could also use in order to prepare campatible material for the training programme. Intensive meetings gave us opportunity to concentrate on challenges and review solutions to our future app.

One of our partner from Germany could not join us physically. Therefore, this meeting considered to be hybrid one. Jens Hofmann joined us through online meeting and took part in all our discussions. 

We have tested diverse technologies: AR Hololens1 and Hololens2 glasses, 360 degree video camera, small drones, etc. 

It is important to build a strong team in order to create something great. We are definitely on a good path.

Staff training – simulation learning and media space

9-11.02.2022, Vilnius – Lithuanian Fire Fighters Training School

This training has invited all partners‘ decision makers to review technical aspects of AR in Fire fighters training and work on the strategy to establish Excellence centers for immersive training in firefighting in their organisations. In the end we will have 4 of such centers: Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Czech Republic. 

Coming up activities:

  • 12-13.04.2022 – Transnational Project meeting (Germany)
  • 6-8.09.2022 – Staff training – Pilot testing with firefighting trainers (Estonia)
  • 09-10.2022 – Multiplier events (Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic)
  • 6.10.2022 – Final conference (Slovakia) 
  • 5-7.10.2022 – Final Transnational Project meeting (Slovakia)

If you have any questions about this project, do not hesitate to contact us: Justina Pluktaite (pluktaite@spsch.cz).

Labas krabas

Kaip sekasi?

TASK 3 – Use and development of existing, FIGHTARs and further training offers

How: using IO1 and internal workshops.

Outcome: trainned staff in EC.

Who: SK, CZ, EE, LT, DE, CY