Česká verze

Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice

For experiences to Norway – EEA Grant

For experiences to Norway

Project number: EHP-CZ-MOP-3-020

Duration: 01.08.2021 – 31.08.2022 (13 months)

Programme outcome: Improved skills and competences of teachers and other staff through job shadowing in the partners school.

The project is funded under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

Project partners: 

About the project

The project will help us to address in particular the increase in professional and personal competencies of the staff, strengthen strategic partnerships at the international level for the modernization of the school management and stimulate them to become more involved in international cooperation. We want to use the partner school mutually for study visits to deepen knowledge and exchange experience in the field of management and organization and the functioning of the Department for International Cooperation and school management.

Through mutual collaboration, we want to:

  • help our staff to acquire skills and competence to be well prepared for better leadership and project management esp. using digital devices and platform more effectively
  • promote the professional development of teachers
  • help participants in changing pedagogy used in an online environment
  • connect staff of both schools and deploy digital devices and content
  • promote teamwork at the national and international level
  • strengthen the use of web and digital tools for teaching and learning and for facilitating interactive information sharing and collaboration within the World Wide Web.

Job shadowing in Trondheim

The study visit is organized for four persons: two members of the school management and two members of the team for international cooperation. Priority in mobility is the exchange of experience and knowledge, inspiration by coping with distance education and virtual meetings and transferring acquired knowledge and experience to school conditions. Duration of the mobility is five working days.

Job shadowing in Pardubice: 

The Norwegian partner is interested in our study programme Fire Protection. Duration of the mobility is five working days, one teacher will participate. He will observe educational environment in SPŠCH and gain experience in the field of fire hazards with the focus on electric cars within the study programme Fire Protection.