Česká verze

Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice

For Further Education to Europe – Erasmus+ KA1


Project number: 2017-1-CZ01-KA101-034564

Project implementation period: 14. 8. 2017 – 13. 8. 2018                 

Erasmus Logo


The project is aimed at supporting and deepening the competencies of our staff both in the professional field as well as in the linguistic and cultural spheres. Participants will use foreign mobility to focus on the specific ways, procedures and methods used by foreign partners to manage and lead the team, design and manage projects, use CLIL, and transfer these experiences and new trends into their daily work. The project is designed for five staff members of our school – the headmaster, project manager and three chemistry teachers.




Limassol, Cyprus

  1. – 27.10.2017

The course was organized by the education company DOREA. From our school and project manager participated. Six participants from three countries (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic) met in total. During the course we took lectures to create a well-functioning team, the role of individual members and effective teamwork.

Lecturers used presentations, examples of good practice, demonstrations, practical applications. There were a number of workshops and experiential and group exercises to ensure effective teamwork.

The main topics covered were:

– advanced understanding of essential elements of effective team work

– developing understanding of how our inner state impacts our functioning in a team and providing

techniques for effective internal state management

– understanding of different roles in a group

– communication process in the group

– enhancing skills of giving and receiving feedback.

Erasmus + KA101 SPSCH Pardubice

Erasmus + KA101 SPSCH 


Rome, Italy

  1. – 24.11.2017

The course was organized by the education company INFOL. From our school the headmaster participated. The programme has been designed to provide participants with key concepts for leadership stimulating them into acting as effective leaders and allowing them to be more efficient and effective in their roles. The focus on effective leadership and schools as organisations explores and extends knowledge and understanding of discourses related to leadership at all levels. These three modules were designed to support the development of leadership and management practices in individuals in order to contribute to career-long professional learning and school improvement.

Erasmus + KA101 SPSCH Pardubice



Dublin, Ireland

  1. 2. – 2. 3. 2018
  2. – 30. 3. 2018
  3. – 27. 4. 2018

This course was designed for teachers who want to renew and expand their English skills, introduce the CLIL method in their classes, understand the principles and applications of this method, and find resources and learning materials. Three chemistry teachers from our school attended the course in three different dates.
During workshops and lectures, participants learned about how theories can relate to their own classroom practice. The course also included the means of planning education with CLIL and developing teaching materials.
The main benefit of the course for participants was to be more confident in speaking and writing in English and understanding the key principles of planning teaching CLIL, materials creation, and integration of teaching content and language.


Edremit, Turecko

  1. 5. – 4. 6. 2018

This event could have been done thanks to saving our budget. The partner school Abidin Pak Pakmaya Anadolu Lisesi has a very good international cooperation team, which currently implements five projects with foreign partners. Therefore, the job shadowing was focused on the concept of managing and coordinating international projects, team leadership and teachers cooperation, and collaboration with foreign partners. The particiant had the opportunity to discuss with the school management and the teachers involved in the projects, she also attended the lessons. Another topic of discussion was the education system in Turkey and its changes and new teaching methods using ICT and digital technology. Throughout her stay, she was lead by the project coordinator, who has many years of experience in project management and team leadership and who also ensured the cultural part of the stay with a visit to interesting places around and ancient monuments.

 Erasmus + KA101 SPSCH Pardubice

Erasmus + KA101 SPSCH Pardubice