European Investigation Team (EurInveT) – Erasmus+ KA229 Strategic Partnership between Schools
Period: 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2021
Project number: 2018-1-SK01-KA229-046397_3
- Stredná odborná škola chemická Bratislava (Slovakia, Bratislava)
- Střední průmyslová škola chemická Pardubice (Czech Republic, Pardubice)
- BMSZC Than Karoly Okoiskolaja Budapest – (Hungary, Budapest)
- IIS Pietro Scarcerle Padova (Italy, Padova)
The 21st century is characterized by dynamic changes in society. Education on schools involved in project must respond to these changes. Emphasis is placed on acquiring key competencies. The project deals with poor results in mathematics and natural sciences using an effective, active learning based method. It supports the acquisition of key competences by means of simulation based learning. It responds to the growing interest of teachers in methods that imitate real-word activities.
Even pupils need to acquire competencies in a way that approaches real world. The development of relevant and high-quality skills and competencies of pupils in secondary education will be achieved via four learning activities arranged as a simulation of a criminal case investigation. Students that take part in learning activities, in the simulation of a criminal case and also the members of an organisation committee will acquire the competencies necessary for future social and professional life. These are mathematical competences and competences in the field of science and technology, digital competences and competences to learn and social competences.
The target group are students of secondary vocational schools in four countries, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy. From the total number of 184 students, it will be 64 direct participants of activities performed by means of investigation team simulation. The rest will take part in the next project activities.
The next target group are teachers of science related subjects approximately 24 teachers who will directly take part in these activities and 20 teachers using good practice procedures.
Teachers who have not applied or have a little experience with simulation methods will acquire self-confidence when applying them. They will share their experience with teachers of the same subject group, teachers of other subjects within the school. Active teachers can continue in the role of multiplier on regional level methodological meetings.
Experiences based on the application of simulation methods will be transferred to methodological materials that provide teachers with instructions on applying this method when preparing their own lessons. Methodological materials (sheets) can be used in the frame of science related subjects, vocational subjects, school science clubs and environmental courses. Within the project the online workshops of engaged teachers will be organised. They will serve like a field for the exchange of good practices and experiences, evaluation of targets and impact of the project, assessment of utilization the project budget and dissemination of results.
The partnership will develop the cooperation of schools that are members of professional network CEDCHEM Network and did not participate on key action 2 Strategic partnership project yet with the exception of SPSCH Pardubice.
The project offers the platform for exchange of good practices and experiences. Thanks to school network we can share experiences from the innovative teaching methods. Within the project due to the networking the assumption for long-term and successful partnership and increasing the volume of international school cooperation with different focus in the name of European philosophy to connect different groups of people will be created.