Česká verze

Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice


This international project was developed under the Leonardo da Vinci programme – Transfer of Innovation (TiO).

Implementation period: 01.10.2011 – 30.09.2013

Project number: DE/11/LLP-LdV/TOI/147 466 

EURO NACH II: Higher sustainability in vocational education (Transfer von Erfahrungen bei der Gestaltung beruflicher Biíldung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung)

The project is completed!

Seven partners assessed the aspects of sustainability in education in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and Latvia.

The aim of the project was to create a lively, conception/conceptual approach to cross-border cooperation in the field of professional training of students with the respect for sustainable development.

EURONACH II becomes the basis for the ecological competition CREDCHEM NETWORK 2013/2014.

More at: http://euronach2.org/credchemsoutez