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Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice

Fire Protection

At the Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice (SPSCH Pardubice), students are educated, among others, in the field of Fire Protection. This field of study was established not so long ago in our school. It is one of the youngest fields. It was founded in 2012 and the first pupils started in this field in September 2013.

Fire Protection

A four-year, full-time study is finished with a final exam.

Number of admitted pupils in the school year 2019/2020: 30

School educational syllabus:

  • Fire protection chemist

Characterization of the Specialization

This study is designed for students with technical abilities who are interested in getting an education in the field of fire prevention, population protection and safety in industry. The curriculum is composed of theoretical, scientific and technical subjects oriented around fire protection and emergency events connected with population protection. A significant part of the education is English language preparation.

Tuition is based on a contract with the General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service.

Profile of the Graduate

The students get technical and chemical knowledge and skills in the field of fire prevention and population protection. They get the qualification of Technician of Fire Protection in compliance with § 11 of the act No.133/85 Coll., and they are prepared for work in fire brigade units and other institutions and departments in the field of fire protection and population protection.

This specialization is unique in the Pardubice region, and it is taught only at the Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice.

Curriculum in brief details

Part of the study is also to four-week practical training in cooperation with the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic and FRS undertaking Synthesia, gaining knowledge in the field of special chemicals, language training, working with a database of hazardous substances, preparation for driving motor vehicles, medical preparation or improving physical fitness in fire sport.

The school offers its pupils vocational training at a high level in professional modernized classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards in classrooms, science and language classrooms, and particularly in chemical laboratories.

The school is continually equipping new fire equipment – e.g. respiratory equipment, hydraulic rescue equipment, pneumatic lifting bags, overpressure ventilators, lighting, pumps, generators, compressors, thermal imagers, detectors, etc. For practical training, we use our own fire truck CAS 25. The school is also equipped with technical means for climbing training, firefighter clothing, footwear, helmets, etc.

Students use new sports field with tartan, renewed sport hall and a newly built Training tower for fire sport and climbing training. The sports complex is equipped with complete hurdles and tools for fire sport disciplines and TFA (hoses, distributors, spraying targets, electronic timing, hammer boxes, figurines, fire pumps, etc.). Pupils take part in school competitions TFA and fire the sport, with the best of them represent the school at the Academic Championship in Fire Sport or high school’s championship in disciplines TFA. Since 2016, the school has been the organizer Championship in Fire Sport, attended by students of other high schools in the country. In all mentioned competitions, our students take first places and the school boasts of multiple champions in the Czech Republic in fire sport disciplines, and disciplines of TFA.

Vocational subjects for this subject are e.g. special chemicals, technical means of fire protection, maintenance of firefighting equipment, technical training, technical preparation, fire prevention, organization of fire protection, emergency response, crisis management, driving motor vehicles, medical preparation and fire sport.

Another major achievement is that the third-year students have received training and exams on Wearer breathing techniques and further then wait for the beginning of the fourth year for the final part of the training, which is part of the Entrance training for firefighters in the Fire and Rescue Service.

Teaching is provided by general teachers/ instructors, but also external experts, mainly from the ranks of the Fire and Rescue Service. This ensures consistency of theoretical education with practice.

School within the field of fire protection works with the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic, the fire brigade enterprise Synthesia, Institute of Population Protection Lazne Bohdanec, Technical University of Ostrava – Faculty of Safety Engineering, Technical School energy and construction in Chomutov, SOS and SOU Dubno.


Every year number of Fire Protection students take part in Erasmus+ VET mobilities (Erasmus+ VET Charter since 2018),  School exchange and Strategic Partnership projects. Placements is for our students truly a great asset and bring them a lot of new experiences, which can then be used for further studies as well as in his practice for example Fire Protection units for municipalities.

Teachers are developing their professional and personal skills during Erasmus+ staff training, job shadowing mobilities around Europe annually.

The school is cooperating with organisations in Slovakia, Lithuania and Estonia.

The school actively organises activities for Internationalisation at home.

Take a Virtual tour to see our school facilities.